电话:021- 64253049
传真:021- 64253049
教育背景:1994.9-1998.7 东北石油大学化学工艺学士
1998.9-2001.7 石油大学(北京)化学工艺硕士
2001.9-2005.6 中科院大连化学物理研究所 物理化学 博士
工作经历:2005.7-2007.6 清华大学化学系博士后(物理化学)
2007.9-2009.10 太阳集团电子游戏 太阳集团tyc151博士后(化学工程)
2009.11-今 太阳集团电子游戏 太阳集团tyc151
1. Yueqin Song, Xiaolong Zhou, Longya Xu, et al “Effects of calcination temperature and water-washing treatment on n-hexane hydroisomerization behavior of Pt-promoted sulfated zirconia based catalysts”, Catalysis Today, 212 (2013)108-114
2. Jingjing Zhou, Yueqin Song*, Xiaolong Zhou, Longya Xu, “Normal hexane hydroisomerization over alumina and yttria promoted Pt/SO42-/ZrO2 catalyst”,Petroleum Science and Technology, 31(2013)23: 2518-2526
3. Song Yueqin, Zhou Xiaolong*, Xu Longya, et al. “Effect of crystallization mode of hydrous zirconia support on the isomerization activity of Pt/WO3–ZrO2”, Catalysis Today, 166 ( 2011) 79-83
4. Song Yueqin, Zhou Xiaolong*, Xu Longya, et al “WO3 microcrystallites: one of the crucial factors controlling the isomerization activity of Pt/WO3-ZrO2”, Catalysis Today, 166 (2011) 67-72
5. Song Yueqin, Liu Hui-Min, He De-Hua*, “Effects of Hydrothermal Conditions of ZrO2 on Catalyst Properties and Catalytic Performances of Ni/ZrO2 in the Partial Oxidation of Methane”, Energy Fuels, 24 (2010) 2817–2824
6. Song Yueqin, Zhou Xiaolong*, Xu Longya, et al. “Effect of the properties of hydrous zirconia prepared under various hydrothermal conditions on the isomerization activity of Pt/WO3-ZrO2”, Catalysis Today, 148 (2009) 63-69
7. Song Yueqin, Zhou Xiaolong*, Xu Longya*, et al., “Effect of variations in pore structure and acidity of alkali treated ZSM-5 on the isomerization performances”, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A, 310(2009)344-350
8. Song Yueqin, He Dehua*, Xu Boqing, “ Effects of Preparation Methods of ZrO2 Support on Catalytic Performances of Ni/ZrO2 Catalysts in Methane Partial Oxidation to Syngas”, Applied catalysis A , 337 (2008)1: 19-28
1) 作为项目申请人,完成了自国家自然科学基金委的青年科学基金项目“Pt/SO42-/ZrO2固体超强酸加氢异构化催化剂失活机理研究(2012.1-2012.4:21103049)”
2) 作为项目申请人,完成了中石化安庆石化分公司的“轻烃与炼油厂尾气综合利用技术路线优化研究”(31750000-12-C0607-0008)(2012.9-2013.10:21103049)
3) 作为项目申请人,完成了中国博士后基金一等资助“正构烷烃在正构烷烃在Pt/WO3-ZrO2催化剂上异构反应的研究”(200800430081,5万)
4)作为项目申请人,完成了中国博士后基金特别资助“高活性/高稳定性多元复合固体超强酸异构化催化剂的研究” (200902221,10万)